
Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children receive full time education. Regular attendance is essential if children are to progress with their learning.


We would expect parents/carers to inform the school by 9am by phone, email, or in person, if your child is unwell and unable to attend school. We will contact second and third contacts in order to ascertain information regarding absence in order to safeguard pupils. If we have no reason for the absence by 9.30am the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. We may make home visits or ask the Education Welfare Officer to visit if we have cause for concern.

We would also expect to be notified if your child has a medical appointment. Pupils attendance is monitored weekly and action taken should attendance fall below 95%.

Requests for absence from school in exceptional circumstances (including term time holidays) and Penalty Notices.

You are required under the Education Act (1996) to ensure your child attends school regularly. If your child accrues 10 consecutive sessions of unauthorised absence you may be liable for a penalty notice (one days absence equals two sessions and a five day absence is equal to 10 sessions).

An unauthorised absence is any absence that the Head teacher has not given permission for or where an explanation has not been provided by the parents.

Parents must complete a request for absence from school in exceptional circumstances form and submit this to the school, allowing for sufficient time to enable the school to consider the request and inform parents of the decision.

Where parents do not follow the school’s procedures of submitting a request and simply remove their child without seeking prior approval, a warning may not be given and you may be liable for a penalty notice.

If your request is declined or you do not follow the correct procedure and you still take your child out of school each parent within your household may be issued with a £60 penalty notice for each child you have taken out of school. If a penalty notice remains unpaid after 21 days it will increase to £120. If after 28 days it remains unpaid you may be summonsed to appear before Magistrates to explain why your child has unauthorised school absences and you may be liable for a fine of up to £1000.

Copies of the absence from school for exceptional circumstances request form with the information for parents can be obtained from the school office.


Punctuality is an important social convention and late arrivals disrupt the routines of the school. We would therefore request that parents make every effort to ensure their child/ren are in school for 8.50am (KS2) and 8.55am (KS1). Persistent lateness will be followed up and may result in education Welfare involvement.

“Many pupils do special jobs, such as eco-warriors and reading ambassadors.”


“I like the community environment; it feels very inclusive and all the teachers and staff are friendly and approachable.”

Parental comments

“Pupils are polite and chatty. They listen carefully and show respect to adults and each other.”


“I value the caring, nurturing nature of the staff.”

Parental comments

“Pupils are motivated and enjoy learning.”


“This is a school where pupils can learn without being disrupted by the behaviour of others.”


“Pupils appreciate the many sporting activities, competitions and clubs on offer.”


“This is a happy, welcoming and inclusive school.”


“The school is a safe and friendly environment.”

Parental comments

“Pupils feel safe and well cared for.”


“Thanks to all for keeping my son focused and happy at school.”

Parental comments

“Children in the Reception class get off to a flying start. Children are learning and thriving.”


“They get on well with each other and with the adults in school.”


“Keep up the outstanding work you are doing.”

Parental comments

“You make learning fun so the children are interested.”

Parental comments

“Staff have been fantastic. Especially in times of isolation and the understanding of situations and help and support they have offered.”

Parental comments

“Those with particular talents, and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are nurtured to achieve their very best.”


“The school is aware of diversity and additional needs.”

Parental comments

“My child feels happy going to school everyday.”

Parental comments

“Thank you so much for everything you have done, from teaching our children, to keeping them safe but also all the fun and laughter you have given them; every one of you is amazing!”

Parental comments

“You have given my daughter courage and her joy back. She is smiling at the start and end of every school day.”

Parental comments