Our Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum provides a broad and balanced range of creative and innovative experiences for our pupils

Our pupils’ backgrounds, our culture and our climate for learning provide the following drivers that underpin all areas of our curriculum:

  • Literature – ensuring our children have a love of and understanding of Literature based on vocabulary interpretation, understanding and application.
  • Community – we want Hedon Primary to be at the heart of our local community; ensuring community links and wider impact on our families.
  • Creative and outdoor learning – we pride ourselves on our innovative and creative curriculum which includes an emphasis on physical activity and outdoor learning.
  • Responsibility – encompassing both growth mind-set and meta-cognition enabling us to support pupils learn to learn.
  • Challenge and Enquiry – we strive to ensure our pupils thrive from challenge, embrace enquiry and engage together in taking the next steps in their learning.

Our curriculum provides appropriate balance

We believe that all children should develop self-confidence and experience the feeling of accomplishment in a wide range of areas. Our curriculum therefore gives pupils an excellent balance of academic and personal development; it gives equal importance to core and foundation subjects; physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing are both valued, understood and prioritised by our careful consideration of curriculum design.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, along with a well-planned and structured programme of personal development underpins all of our work and is monitored as closely as academic subjects.

We carefully balance the requirement for pupils to reach national expectations in core subjects with our wider curriculum aims of providing a full variety of thoughtful and enriching experiences. As much as we value the progress and fulfilment of our pupils academically, we strive to offer them a rich and varied arts curriculum too. Alongside offering our children a carefully mapped progression of skills within Art/D&T, dance and music, we try to enable the children to practice and incorporate these skills across all subjects; giving them the opportunity to express their learning in a variety of ways. As a result of this, our pupils thrive.

Our curriculum is carefully organised for depth

We define progress as:

The widening and deepening of essential knowledge, skills, understanding and behaviours.

To do this ensures pupils don’t merely cover the curriculum but repeat it over and over – each time they return to areas they gain a deeper and more insightful understanding of the matters, skills and processes within subjects.

We work carefully to ensure pupils progress their learning in year and over their time in school. This involves changing the nature of pupils’ thinking rather than just acquiring new knowledge.

Developing Secure Greater depth

Example: Involves simply following instructions Example: requires application involving some degree of decision making Example: multi-step thinking, reasoning and justification

At our school the children in our care are at the heart of everything we do. We believe that all children are unique and must be celebrated for the special gifts and talents that they possess. Each day we encourage our children to work hard, have a positive mind-set, have the confidence to make mistakes, persevere and not give up – in order to succeed, and to feel good about themselves. We teach these skills through lessons in growth mind-set and metacognition which are revisited in lessons throughout the curriculum.

At Hedon Primary School we want our children to experience:

  • A curriculum that has knowledge and vocabulary at the heart of their learning
  • A rich curriculum that enables pupils to see the world from a wide range of perspectives
  • A curriculum where knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills
  • Opportunities to embed basic skills and express knowledge in a variety of ways before moving on
  • Developing resilience, critical and creative thinking, challenge and support so they have the confidence to aim high and aspire to more
  • Opportunities to delve deeper into their learning, building on skills progressively each year and across subjects
  • A curriculum that responds to findings from pupil feedback and school data to ensure it is bespoke to their needs and reflects the ever changing world, locally and globally
  • A curriculum that helps children to know how to live healthy lifestyles – both physically and mentally
  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences threaded through all we do which will facilitate them with all they need to face the any and all futures
  • Strong British Values ethos permeating through daily life which gives the children a safe and nurturing environment

“You have given my daughter courage and her joy back. She is smiling at the start and end of every school day.”

Parental comments

“Thanks to all for keeping my son focused and happy at school.”

Parental comments

“The school is a safe and friendly environment.”

Parental comments

“They get on well with each other and with the adults in school.”


“This is a happy, welcoming and inclusive school.”


“The school is aware of diversity and additional needs.”

Parental comments

“Those with particular talents, and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are nurtured to achieve their very best.”


“Pupils are motivated and enjoy learning.”


“Many pupils do special jobs, such as eco-warriors and reading ambassadors.”


“This is a school where pupils can learn without being disrupted by the behaviour of others.”


“Staff have been fantastic. Especially in times of isolation and the understanding of situations and help and support they have offered.”

Parental comments

“I like the community environment; it feels very inclusive and all the teachers and staff are friendly and approachable.”

Parental comments

“Pupils feel safe and well cared for.”


“Pupils are polite and chatty. They listen carefully and show respect to adults and each other.”


“I value the caring, nurturing nature of the staff.”

Parental comments

“You make learning fun so the children are interested.”

Parental comments

“My child feels happy going to school everyday.”

Parental comments

“Thank you so much for everything you have done, from teaching our children, to keeping them safe but also all the fun and laughter you have given them; every one of you is amazing!”

Parental comments

“Pupils appreciate the many sporting activities, competitions and clubs on offer.”


“Children in the Reception class get off to a flying start. Children are learning and thriving.”


“Keep up the outstanding work you are doing.”

Parental comments