Pupil Premium Grant
including Recovery Grant

Pupil Premium Spending Rationale

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to children from low-income families who are, or have been, eligible for free school meals (FSM), within the last six years. The grant is also made available to support children of service personnel and those who are looked after by the local authority (LAC).

What are our aims for the Pupil Premium Grant?
The aim of the Pupil Premium is to identify and implement strategies that help to increase social mobility and reduce the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged pupils nationally. We have placed a strong emphasis on securing foundations in literacy and numeracy as we believe that our disadvantaged pupils require most support in these key areas. Furthermore, we believe that strong literacy and numeracy are crucial for preparing children for life beyond school.

Who benefits from the Pupil Premium Grant?
At Hedon Primary School, we ensure that the Pupil Premium Grant has the most benefit for those with the greatest disadvantage. Our intention is to build capacity and maximise our impact. It is inevitable that some of the interventions put in place are shared by children who are not in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. We do this in order to promote good progress for all children.

What barriers do pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant face?
The barriers and challenges disadvantaged pupils face are complex and varied – there is no single difficulty faced by all. However, we have identified several barriers that we believe are particularly relevant to our disadvantaged children. The key barriers we have identified include:
• Low communication, language and literacy levels on entry to the school.
• Low aspirations therefore low self-motivation as a result
• Difficulties faced at home including finding it hard to support pupils with academic work.
• Lack of wider experiences
• Attendance/punctuality
• Social and emotional needs
• Maths
We allocate our Pupil Premium Grant to resources that aim to close the gaps in these areas.

How do we decide how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant?
In deciding how to use our Pupil Premium Grant, we draw upon the following sources:
• Sutton Trust report: “The Pupil Premium: Next Steps”
• Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit
• Research on disadvantaged pupils and the vocabulary gap
• Our combined professional experience of what works best

From these sources and in line with the recent Education Endowment Foundation Guide to the Pupil Premium, we have adopted a tiered approach to our Pupil Premium Strategy. This means our spending is focused on 3 areas:
1 – Developing teaching
2 – Targeted academic support
3 – Wider Strategies

At Hedon Primary School, across the East Riding and across schools nationally, the period from mid-March 2020 until the end of the academic year was dominated by the outbreak of COVID-19.

The much reduced opening of all schools in March, followed by the period of widening opening of schools from 1st June has had a profound impact on the ability to implement the actions and strategies outlined in their pupil premium strategy.

Click on the link below to find out about how we spend the pupils premium grant, our successes, next steps and our plan for spending 2021/24. These strategies are internally reviewed yearly (Due Sept 2024).

“Pupils appreciate the many sporting activities, competitions and clubs on offer.”


“Many pupils do special jobs, such as eco-warriors and reading ambassadors.”


“The school is a safe and friendly environment.”

Parental comments

“Those with particular talents, and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are nurtured to achieve their very best.”


“I value the caring, nurturing nature of the staff.”

Parental comments

“Children in the Reception class get off to a flying start. Children are learning and thriving.”


“They get on well with each other and with the adults in school.”


“This is a happy, welcoming and inclusive school.”


“Pupils are motivated and enjoy learning.”


“You have given my daughter courage and her joy back. She is smiling at the start and end of every school day.”

Parental comments

“I like the community environment; it feels very inclusive and all the teachers and staff are friendly and approachable.”

Parental comments

“Keep up the outstanding work you are doing.”

Parental comments

“Pupils are polite and chatty. They listen carefully and show respect to adults and each other.”


“You make learning fun so the children are interested.”

Parental comments

“Pupils feel safe and well cared for.”


“This is a school where pupils can learn without being disrupted by the behaviour of others.”


“Thank you so much for everything you have done, from teaching our children, to keeping them safe but also all the fun and laughter you have given them; every one of you is amazing!”

Parental comments

“My child feels happy going to school everyday.”

Parental comments

“Thanks to all for keeping my son focused and happy at school.”

Parental comments

“The school is aware of diversity and additional needs.”

Parental comments

“Staff have been fantastic. Especially in times of isolation and the understanding of situations and help and support they have offered.”

Parental comments