Today’s post has been written by guest bloggers Natasha & Emillie from Year 5. They have captured a ‘Day in the Life of Hedon Primary School’.  Here are their observations:

Pupils in Year 1 are reading books with their Mums and Dads. They enjoying reading with their parents. They are very excited their family are here to hear them read.

Year 2 are making cakes and buns for our Macmillan coffee afternoon, Year 2 are making some yummy rocky road, the children are taking it in turns to weigh and mix the ingredients, they are really excited to taste it!

Year 5 are baking some lemon and raspberry muffins as well as vanilla cupcakes. In Foundation they are making gingerbread men because they have read the story.

Year 3 will be creating Chocolate Crispies and Smartie cookies this afternoon, while flapjacks will be in production too. Year 4 are decorating buns tomorrow, it’s safe to say there will be no shortage of produce at tomorrow’s coffee afternoon!