On Thursday 10th March, Years 3, 4 and 5 had a fantastic day out in the wilds of Welwick!  Activities in the morning included hearing about lambing from Mr Johnson’s dad- and a chance to hold the orphan lambs- as well as hearing from a local artist about Welwick’s associations to the Gunpowder Plot, a visit to the historic church and a talk from a ranger about Spurn Point post tidal surge. This last activity also featured a chance to clamber aboard the Unimog vehicle that transports visitors to Spurn Point since the surge washed away the road.
In the afternoon, everyone walked down to Welwick Saltmarsh and again, Mr Johnson Senior and our own Mr Johnson explained how the marshland is maintained and how careless behaviour from visitors can destroy this landscape.
The sun shone and everyone was in high spirits- a great day all round. (Photos to follow soon)