The Year 3’s class assembly took the audience on a journey from the River Humber in the United Kingdom, to the West coast of Italy where Mount Vesuvius is. The new game show ‘Journey of a River’ was hosted by Hartley and invited unsuspecting parents to become contestants and test their knowledge of river terms such as source, waterfall, tributary, meander and mouth.

The children explained how to use speech punctuation and the very important rule of DON’T USE SAID! – Otherwise Mrs Gale will erupt like Mount Vesuvius and no one wanted that!

The class sang ‘The Volcano’ song, and then Dillon read out his emotional diary entry about when Vesuvius erupted over Pompeii. The grand finale was Annabel, dressed in a hard hat, swimming goggles and a Hi-Vis jacket and her Science experiment of making a volcano erupt. The audience sat patiently, eagerly awaiting the molten lava – and with a little help from Mrs Barnett were not disappointed!

Well done Year 3 you’ve worked really hard and produced an enjoyable and informative assembly!